“TMJ syndrome” is what we commonly call Temporomandibular joint disorder. It means your TMJ joint — the joint which connects your jaw and your skull — is inflamed, and it often causes severe pain.
After an assessment of your condition, a bite-splint (or bite-plane) or other therapy may be recommended; occasionally, you may be referred to a specialist.
Common symptoms of TMJ syndrome:
- Pain or difficulty while biting/chewing
- Clicking or popping sound when opening or closing your mouth
- Dull, aching pain in your face, ears or jaw
- Headaches or migraines
- Neck or shoulder pain
People feel TMJ pain in varying degrees, and there are many potential causes.
Common causes of TMJ pain:
- Clenching or grinding your teeth
- Malalignment of your teeth
- Jaw thrusting
- Excessive gum chewing
- Excessive nail-biting
- A joint disease, such as osteoarthritis
- Lack of overbite
There are different ways to end the pain and discomfort caused by TMJ syndrome.
If your teeth are misaligned, dental work may be required to restore proper occlusion. Dr. Townshend, Dr. Albert and Dr. Khouri can have you fitted with a special guard that will prevent your teeth from being damaged and keep your jaw from clenching while you sleep.